Using alkylglycerols to boost overall health.
The two disease threats that face us every day are infections and oxidative (i.e., free-radical) stress. It is possible to use immune boosters and anti-inflammatory agents to offset these threats. While everyone knows it is far easier to prevent disease than to cure it, very few of us seem to take that truism seriously.
We cannot always avoid crowds, which increase our risk of getting an infection from airborne organisms or from fomites (e.g., cups, glasses, spoons, etc.). However, simply taking alkylglycerols daily can help prevent illness due to infection. Consider health as a daily battle-you against disease.
Every morning you awake and prepare to win this battle. Start with adequate nutrition and sufficient rest the night before, since the body repairs itself best at night. Remember the adage: Protect during the day, repair at night. If you are up late and do not get adequate rest, you will be a mess in the morning, both physically and mentally.
There was a saying in our area, and most likely many other places: “You can’t hang with the owls at night and soar with eagles in the morning.” It’s no surprise that people who work
swing shift have more illness than those who work during the day and sleep at night. This cycle is bred into us from millions of years of evolution, so it is critical for good health to maintain it.