Immune System

Boost Your Child’s Immune System with Alkyrol®: The Natural Power of Shark Liver Oil

As parents, we’re always on the lookout for ways to bolster our children’s health, especially their immune systems. In a world brimming with health products, it can be challenging to find one that stands out for its efficacy and natural composition. Today, let’s explore the exceptional benefits of Alkyrol®, a unique shark liver oil product, and why it’s becoming a must-have supplement for children’s health regimes.

What is Alkyrol®?

Alkyrol® 250 is a highly purified shark liver oil that has been carefully refined to contain 20% Alkylglycerols, minus unwanted fats and other components such as heavy metals and pesticides. This product is encapsulated in 250 mg gel capsules, each providing 50 mg of Alkylglycerols, crucial compounds known for their health-promoting properties.

Why Alkylglycerols Matter

Alkylglycerols, or AKGs, are naturally occurring substances found in significant quantities in human breast milk, and the liver, spleen, and bone marrow. These compounds are known for stimulating the body’s immune system, which is vital for children whose immune defenses are not yet fully developed.

The Immune-Boosting Benefits of Alkyrol®

Research and clinical studies over the last 45 years have highlighted several key benefits of Alkyrol®:

  • Enhanced Immune System: Alkyrol® helps in the production of white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This is particularly beneficial for children, helping them to fight off infections more effectively.
  • Support During Treatments: For children undergoing treatments like chemotherapy or radiation, Alkyrol® has been shown to reduce the typical drop in white blood cells and mitigate other side effects.
  • Improved Wound Healing: The immunostimulatory properties of Alkyrol® also accelerate the healing of slow-healing wounds, which can be a common issue in active kids.
  • Antibacterial and Antifungal Properties: The product has been proven to have inhibitory effects on bacteria, fungi, and molds, protecting children from various infections.

The Science Behind Alkyrol®

The product’s efficacy is backed by over 150 clinical studies. These studies have confirmed that Alkyrol® not only supports immune function but also has tumor-inhibiting activities. This aspect is derived from decades of research on sharks, which have shown remarkable resistance to infections and tumors, mainly due to the Alkylglycerols in their liver oil.

How Alkyrol® is Made

Derived from the liver oil of the Greenland shark, Alkyrol® contains a high concentration of Alkylglycerols. The Greenland shark thrives in the cold, deep waters of the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans, where the harsh conditions contribute to the liver’s rich oil content. The oil undergoes an extensive purification process to ensure it is free from harmful contaminants and preserves the beneficial properties of Alkylglycerols.

Safe and Effective

Alkyrol® is recommended by doctors and has no known contraindications or side effects, making it extremely safe for children. The gel capsules are easy to consume and can be taken with meals, fitting seamlessly into a child’s daily routine.


Incorporating Alkyrol® into your child’s diet could play a crucial role in enhancing their immune system, promoting healthy cell growth, and protecting against various infections. With its natural origins and strong scientific backing, Alkyrol® stands out as a reliable choice for parents dedicated to nurturing their children’s health naturally.

Get Started

Interested in learning more about Alkyrol® or want to start your child on this natural supplement? Visit our product page for more details and purchase options.

Protect your child’s health with the natural power of Alkyrol® – because their immunity matters.

Good Health Immune System

Alkyrol: Die erstaunliche Kraft von Haifischleberöl und Alkylglycerolen zur Stärkung des Immunsystems

Alkyrol ist eine einzigartige, vollständig natürliche und sorgfältig kontrollierte Haifischleberöl-Formel, die so gereinigt ist, dass sie unerwünschte Fette und andere Komponenten, Verunreinigungen wie Schwermetalle und Pestizide, standardisiert auf einen 20%igen Gehalt an Alkylglycerolen, nicht enthält.

Die Vorteile von Alkyrol:

  • Starke immunabwehrstärkende Eigenschaften
  • Tumorhemmende Aktivität
  • Hemmende Wirkung auf Bakterien, Pilze und Schimmelpilze
  • Über 150 klinische Studien bisher.

Seit Jahrhunderten wurde Haifischleberöl von skandinavischen Fischern als Therapie verwendet. Es wurde topisch zur Heilung von Wunden und Schnitten sowie oral als Heilmittel gegen Krankheiten eingesetzt.

Was sind Alkylglycerole?

Alkylglycerole oder AKG sind eine Familie von Verbindungen, die für die Anregung des körpereigenen Immunsystems unerlässlich sind. Sie kommen in signifikanten Mengen in menschlicher Muttermilch, der Leber, Milz und im Knochenmark vor. Alkylglycerole sind aktive Substanzen, die gestillten Babys einen wichtigen Schutz gegen Infektionen bieten, bis ihr eigenes Immunsystem voll entwickelt ist.

Über 45 Jahre klinische Forschung und Studien

Die heilende Wirkung von Alkylglycerolen auf die Gewebe des Körpers wurde in den letzten 45 Jahren durch umfangreiche klinische und Laborforschung bestätigt. Im Jahr 1952 entdeckte die schwedische Ärztin Astrid Brohult, M.D., dass Knochenmark von Kälbern, das Kindern mit Leukämie verabreicht wurde, die Produktion ihrer weißen Blutkörperchen anregte. Später wurde gezeigt, dass der stimulierende Faktor eine Gruppe von Substanzen waren, die als Alkylglycerole bekannt sind.

Klinische Ergebnisse:

Alkyrol® ist wirksam bei:

  • Immunstimulierenden Eigenschaften
  • Steigerung der Produktion von Leukozyten, Erythrozyten und Thrombozyten
  • Förderung gesunder Zellen nach Schäden durch Strahlentherapie
  • Verringerung des Leukozytenabfalls, der normalerweise mit Chemotherapie und Strahlentherapie einhergeht
  • Bakteriostatischer Effekt auf verschiedene Bakterienarten, antiviraler Effekt und hemmende Wirkung auf Pilze
  • Verbesserung der langsamen Wundheilung
  • Tumorhemmende Aktivität
  • Eliminierung von angesammelten Schwermetallen, Pestiziden und Toxinen

Alkylglycerole, die Vorteile!

Alkylglycerole tragen dazu bei, das körpereigene Immunabwehrsystem zu stärken. Forscher untersuchen derzeit mögliche Effekte von Alkylglycerolen als unterstützende Maßnahme bei traditionellen Krebstherapien. Sie reduzieren die Nebenwirkungen von Chemotherapie und Strahlentherapie, wie den Rückgang der weißen Blutkörperchen. Zudem minimieren sie Erkältungen, Grippe und chronische Infektionen und verbessern die Wundheilung sowie entzündliche Zustände wie Asthma, Psoriasis und Arthritis. Alkylglycerole binden außerdem Schwermetalle wie Quecksilber, Pestizide und Toxine im Körper und scheiden sie aus.

Haie & Immunität

Wissenschaftler untersuchen seit über 70 Jahren Haie und ihre Beziehung zum Immunsystem. Nahezu alle Haiarten zeigen eine außergewöhnliche Resistenz gegenüber Infektionen und Tumorwachstum. In 25 Jahren marine Biologie Forschung fand das Smithsonian Institut nur einen bösartigen Tumor in über 25.000 untersuchten Haien.

Haiknorpel vs. Haifleberöl

Es wurde lange Zeit angenommen, dass die Immunität des Haies mit seinem Knorpel zusammenhängt. Wissenschaftler haben jedoch bewiesen, dass es das Öl aus der Leber des Haies und nicht der Knorpel ist, das die Alkylglycerole enthält und maßgeblich für seine unglaubliche Immunität verantwortlich ist. Es wurde auch entdeckt, dass Leberöl bestimmter Tiefsee-Haie, insbesondere des Grönlandhais, außergewöhnlich reich an Alkylglycerolen ist.

Der Grönlandhai

Der Grönlandhai, auch bekannt als der Schlafhai oder Somniosus Microcephalus, schwimmt in den arktischen Gewässern des nördlichen Atlantischen Ozeans in Tiefen von drei- bis viertausend Fuß. Die Leber des Grönlandhais macht bis zu einem Drittel seiner Größe und seines Gewichts aus und kann bis zu 100 Gallonen Öl enthalten, das über 30+% Alkylglycerole enthält.

Zusammensetzung der Wirkstoffe:

Alkyrol® enthält umfassend gereinigtes Leberöl vom Grönlandhai, standardisiert auf einen 20%igen Gehalt an Alkylglycerolen. Im Reinigungsprozess wurden Verunreinigungen wie PCBs, Pestizide und Schwermetalle entfernt, ebenso unerwünschte Fettsubstanzen wie Cholesterin, EPA/DHA (Fischöle) und übermäßige Mengen an Vitamin A und D (“Fischleberöl”). Eine Kapsel mit 250 mg bietet 50 mg Alkylglycerole, eine Kapsel mit 500 mg bietet 100 mg Alkylglycerole.

Empfohlene Anwendung:

  • Zur Erhaltung der Gesundheit und Prävention: 2 Kapseln Alkyrol® von 250 mg oder 1 Kapsel von 500 mg zweimal täglich.
  • Zur therapeutischen Wirkung: 2 Kapseln Alkyrol® von 250 mg, 1 Kapsel von 500 mg, dreimal täglich.
    Die Gelkapseln sollten mit ausreichend Flüssigkeit zu den Mahlzeiten eingenommen werden.

Verfügbarkeit: 120 Weichgelatinekapseln von 250 mg, 120 Weichgelatinekapseln von 500 mg.
Verpackt in Blisterpackungen für Bequemlichkeit und Produktschutz.

Biologische Effekte

Alkylglycerole wurden ausgiebig erforscht und dokumentiert für:

  • Steigerung der Produktion von weißen Blutkörperchen, roten Blutkörperchen und Blutplättchen bei der Strahlentherapie von Gebärmutterhalskrebs.
  • Aktivierung von Makrophagen
  • Hemmung der PAF (plättchenaktivierenden Faktor)-induzierten entzündlichen Reaktionen, die eine entscheidende Rolle bei Zuständen wie Erkältungen, Asthma und Psoriasis spielen.
  • Immunstimulierende Eigenschaften, die sowohl die zellgebundene als auch die gewebegebundene Immunität beeinflussen.
  • Förderung des Wachstums von vorteilhaften Lactobacillus lacti
  • Bakteriostatischer Effekt auf verschiedene Bakterienarten und hemmende Wirkung auf Pilze
  • Tumorhemmende Aktivität

Häufige Verwendung

  • Prävention und Behandlung von Zuständen wie Erkältungen und Grippe
  • Vorbeugung oder Verringerung von Schäden an gesunden Zellen und Organen durch Strahlentherapie
  • Vorbeugung oder Verringerung von Nebenwirkungen (Abfall von Leukozyten und Thrombozyten) der Chemotherapie
  • Stimulierung der immunologischen Reaktion
  • Verbesserung von langsam heilenden Wunden


Haifischleberöl wird seit Jahrhunderten in den skandinavischen Ländern verwendet, insbesondere von Fischern, die es als Heilmittel für langsam heilende Wunden und gegen Reizungen der Atemwege einsetzten. Im 19. Jahrhundert geriet die Verwendung von Haifischleberöl fast in Vergessenheit und überlebte nur in wenigen Fischerdörfern. Es sollte mehr als ein Jahrhundert dauern, bevor die Verwendung von Haifischleberöl nach Veröffentlichung wissenschaftlicher Dokumentationen über seine vorteilhaften Wirkungen wiederbelebt wurde.

Im Jahr 1952 entdeckte die junge schwedische Ärztin Astrid Brohult, M.D., dass das Knochenmark von frischen Kälbern die Produktion ihrer weißen Blutkörperchen anregte. Später wurde gezeigt, dass der stimulierende Faktor eine Gruppe von Substanzen waren, die als Alkylglycerole bekannt sind und erstmals von zwei japanischen Forschern im Jahr 1922 in Leberöl von Haien identifiziert wurden.

Die Verteilung von Alkylglycerolen in der Natur wurde seitdem als weit verbreitet nachgewiesen. Sie kommen in den Lipiden verschiedener tierischer Organe vor, zum Beispiel im Knochenmarkfett, im Fett der Milz und der Leber, in Erythrozyten und in Milch (zehnmal mehr in menschlicher Muttermilch als in Kuhmilch). Die höchste Quelle von Alkylglycerolen wurde in der Leber des Grönlandhais, Somniosus microcephalus, gefunden.

Die heilende Wirkung von Alkylglycerolen auf die Gewebe des Körpers wurde in den letzten 40 Jahren durch umfangreiche klinische und Laborforschung bestätigt, die hauptsächlich von schwedischen Ärzten und Wissenschaftlern durchgeführt wurde. Neben den oben genannten biologischen Effekten der Alkylglycerole wurde gezeigt, dass Patienten mit Gebärmutterhalskrebs, die vor und während der Bestrahlungstherapie mit Alkylglycerolen behandelt wurden, nach fünf Jahren eine um 9% höhere Überlebensrate aufwiesen als die Kontrollgruppe.

Alkyrol® setzt die alte Tradition der Verwendung von Haifischleberöl als Heilmittel und Vorbeugungsmittel sowohl für alltägliche Beschwerden als auch für ernsthafte Zustände fort. Wissenschaftliche Studien laufen sowohl in Europa als auch in den Vereinigten Staaten, um die biologischen und medizinischen Effekte der Alkylglycerole weiter zu erforschen.


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Good Health Healthy Aging

Shark liver oil components at work for you! – Part 2

Using alkylglycerols to boost overall health.

The two disease threats that face us every day are infections and oxidative (i.e., free-radical) stress. It is possible to use immune boosters and anti-inflammatory agents to offset these threats. While everyone knows it is far easier to prevent disease than to cure it, very few of us seem to take that truism seriously.

We cannot always avoid crowds, which increase our risk of getting an infection from airborne organisms or from fomites (e.g., cups, glasses, spoons, etc.). However, simply taking alkylglycerols daily can help prevent illness due to infection. Consider health as a daily battle-you against disease.

Every morning you awake and prepare to win this battle. Start with adequate nutrition and sufficient rest the night before, since the body repairs itself best at night. Remember the adage: Protect during the day, repair at night. If you are up late and do not get adequate rest, you will be a mess in the morning, both physically and mentally.

There was a saying in our area, and most likely many other places: “You can’t hang with the owls at night and soar with eagles in the morning.” It’s no surprise that people who work
swing shift have more illness than those who work during the day and sleep at night. This cycle is bred into us from millions of years of evolution, so it is critical for good health to maintain it.

Good Health Healthy Aging

Shark liver oil components at work for you! – Part 1

What alkylglycerols can do.

There is an old adage in medicine that if you need more than one medication for a disease, you do not have the correct medicine. One disease, one treatment makes sense, considering the large number of drugs prescribed for illness today. Many people, in fact, are not even taking the correct medicine.


The danger of one drug for all diseases is equally serious, but one supplement for diseases makes sense. A supplement is an adjunct, a helper, much like a friend. Friends are also supportive in many ways: they add to our sense of well being, boost our confidence, and help us through tough times.

I see alkylglycerols in this same manner. They are not a panacea (i.e., cure-all) for all the ills of mankind, but they are a powerful aid to good health. Unfortunately, much of the clinical data on the use of alkylglycerols is anecdotal.


Except for the large clinical studies in cancer research, few papers have been published on clinical trials with humans. What I will present in this chapter are conclusions based on reports from the scientific literature, the traditional use of alkylglycerols over many years, results of discussions with colleagues, and finally, the actual clinical experience I have had with the use of alkylglycerols.

Good Health Healthy Aging

The History of Alkyrol – Part 5b

…These are only two examples. But most of us have friends or relatives who are octogenarians, who are active, energetic and not incapacitated. Some are highly gifted with remarkably positive outlooks. But in my experience, the majority have lived active lives and consumed a moderate, balanced diet. Here again are the same conditions that help prevent not only heart disease and cancer, but also the changes typically associated with aging.

Click here for Part 5a

How long could a person live if there was no death gene?
The answer is tied to the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Everything in the universe eventually winds down. No material thing can last forever, since it requires energy to keep it intact. Why, even the sun is fizzling out, albeit very, very slowly. (Scientists calculate this may take another billion years or so to happen, though, so don’t lose any sleep over it.)

What is the upper limit of the human life span? The growth rate of various organs over the first 20 years varies tremendously. The brain is almost at its full size at five years of age, but the reproductive organs are not fully mature until about age 20. Most mammals living in the wild live about eight times longer than their sexually mature age. So if a horse matures at two to three years, it is likely to live 16 to 24 years. Some horses actually live longer, if under human care.

Since humans mature sexually at about 20 years of age, we could potentially have a life span of 8 x 20 = 160 years. However, I would not place this as the upper limit since, as we learn more, we could side-step many other diseases. Once we have learned how to protect our cellular mitochondria from oxygen damage, we could theoretically live well over 200 years!

Consider this: If we were able to conquer all the known diseases on earth that currently kill us, we would only add about 19 years to our present life expectancy. So it is not the diseases, such as cancer and heart disease, that we should be looking at for research funding. We may find cures for them, even in our present lifetime. Rather, we should invest in research on the chronic oxidative changes that impair the quality of life and cut it tragically short.


For anyone who wants to ward off the effects of aging, I recommend at least one 250-mg capsule of shark liver oil, three times a day. During times of emotional or physical stress, I would double that to 500 mg, three times daily. Continue this supplementation for a month, and then discontinue for a couple of weeks before starting again. This is a wise course to follow, since the liver tends to store fish oil-derived vitamin A for long periods of time. By doing this, you are reducing your risk of vitamin A overload.

Good Health Healthy Aging Immune System

The History of Alkyrol – Part 4

How to decrease the risk of heart disease

One major step in reducing your risk of cardiovascular disease is to stop smoking cigarettes! The number of free radicals generated in cigarette smoke is astronomical, extending far beyond the body’s antioxidant mechanisms.

Another important step is lowering your LDL cholesterol. How is this done? First, reduce total caloric intake, decrease saturated fats, and increase unsaturated fats, available in fish such as salmon and tuna.

Next, try to increase your exercise level. Consistent physical activity can lower LDL and increase HDL.

Third, you may need prescribed medication. Niacin, which is not a prescription drug, may be used when other methods fail, but you need 1,000 mg two to three times a day. At this level, it is best to consult your doctor before self-medicating.


Shark liver oil has not been shown to directly lower cholesterol. However, early studies show that alkylglycerols are potent antioxidants. They may protect against damage to heart tissue following a heart attack.

It would take a long-term study to prove that shark liver oil can help prevent cardiovascular disease, but the data on alkylglycerols strongly suggest they may help. Alkylglycerols can be used long term to help reduce the risk of heart disease.

In individuals with heart disease, they may protect against serious complications from heart attacks or heart damage. After a heart attack, the muscles of the heart are badly damaged and undergo a process called ischemia, or lack of oxygen. Ischemic tissue slowly dies if there is no return of oxygen.

However, when oxygen is delivered, it may have both good and bad effects. In the presence of oxygen, the ischemic tissue produces many free radicals that can further damage the heart tissue. Scientific research indicates that alkylglycerols can counteract these free radicals, thus protecting the heart against catastrophe.


We call this process ischemia-reperfusion. It is a serious complication occurring often on the third or fourth day after a heart attack. Even angina attacks can cause mild damage that may be aggravated by concomitant free-radical damage.

Alkylglycerols may help protect you against this occurrence. The key to understanding antioxidants and free radicals is the word “prevention.” If you have a sufficient amount of antioxidants in the body, it will be far easier to stay healthy.

If there was only one reason to take shark liver oil, it would be as an antioxidant, even though the benefits of shark liver oil beyond its antioxidant activity. Let’s look now at the process of aging, and how free radicals trigger the changes usually associated with old age.

Good Health Healthy Aging Immune System

The History of Alkyrol – Part 3

Alkylglycerols for cancer prevention and treatment

One of the first uses for shark liver oil was to control the side effects of radiation treatment in cancer patients. The initial studies were done in Sweden by the Drs. Astrid Brohult, Sven Brohult, and Johan Brohult, and published in the journal Nature in 1962. In the 1960s and 1970s, positive results were also observed in three different clinical experiments.

As mentioned previously, after treatment with shark liver oil, there was a significant reduction in radiation injuries following X-ray treatment for cancer of the cervix, as well as an increase in survival rates. In any form of cancer therapy, the use of alkylglycerols will both intensify the treatment’s benefits, while decreasing the severity of unwanted side effects.


Consider that cancer is a malignant, neoplastic (i.e., spreading) disease, which means it is characterized by new, uncontrolled growth. That’s why the alkylglycerols are effective for this condition. As an immune stimulant, alkylglycerols activate macrophages, making cancer cells more susceptible to attack. Shark liver oil provides other active ingredients, such as squalamine, that help treat cancer.

Good Health Healthy Aging Immune System

The History of Alkyrol – Part 2

Medicines from the sea

Only within the last several decades have scientists begun to mine the rich marine medicines and nutrients available in the seas. The bodies of some ocean animals, in fact, could hold the keys to new treatments for human diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and AIDS. These creatures have survived changing environments for millions of years.

Ocean animals tend to be simpler in structure than humans. An advantage for medical researchers is that ocean animals’ cell structure and growth are easier to observe and understand than typical laboratory animals.

For instance, consider the recent research on squids and human brains. A single squid’s nerve fibers are large enough to be easily studied. Neurobiologists have been using them for awhile to investigate two human brain abnormalities: Alzheimer and Lou Gehrigs diseases. Or, let’s look at the work on cyanobacteria and AIDS. Single-cell cyanobacteria are neither plants nor animals. They evolved 3.5 billion years ago, the first photosynthesizing organisms on earth. Somehow, they managed to survive our planets poisonous environment and used the sun’s energy to produce oxygen, creating our present life-sustaining atmosphere. Researchers are currently testing cyanobacteria to see it they contain a substance that could help defeat AIDS once and tor all.


The horseshoe crab is also useful in biomedical research. Its optic nerves helped researchers understand human vision. Now scientists are intensively studying its large, bacteria-killing amoebocyte cells.

Among the ocean’s many coral reefs-often compared to rain forests on land-are life forms such as sea squirts and sponges, which defend themselves with powerful toxins. Researchers have discovered a variety of uses, therapeutic and experimental, for these exotic chemicals.

Our understanding of how human cells fight disease came from ocean observations. In 1883, Russian-born scientist Elie Metchnikoff noticed that free-floating cells in a starfish would swarm toward a foreign object in the starfish’s body and clump around it. His observation, and a quarter of a century of hard research, led to our present knowledge of the immune system’s cellular functions when infection is present.

Good Health Healthy Aging Immune System

The History of Alkyrol – Part 1

Sharks – The adaptable old-timer

“Biologically, the species is the accumulation of the experiments of all its successful individuals since the beginning”

H.G. Wells (1866-1946), British author. A Modern Utopia Ch 3, Sct 4 (1905; repr in The Works of H. G. Wells, Vol 9, 1925).

Sharks are cartilaginous fish (i.e., having a skeleton wholly or largely composed of cartilage). They vary greatly in size, behavior, and in the way they reproduce. They are found at all depths in all the oceans of the world except the Antarctic. However, they are most abundant in tropical and subtropical waters. A few species of shark inhabit freshwater lakes and rivers, and some migrate regularly from salt to freshwater.

Sharks are remarkably successful animals, with few parasites or diseases and almost no enemies except other sharks, As predators and scavengers, sharks play a major role in the ecosystems of the world’s oceans.

Paleontologists believe that sharks evolved from some primitive, heavily armored, sluggish placoderm that became extinct about 350 million years ago, at the end of the Devonian era. This is approximately when the first shark-like creatures appeared. Sharks almost identical to those living today evolved about 160 million years ago, during the Jurassic period (same time period as represented in the movie, Jurassic Park). This species has survived unchanged for 160 million years in contrast, we poor Homo sapiens have been around for less than million years.


Well-attuned to most of the water of the world, sharks appear to dominate the depths. Swimmers, water skiers, snorkels, scuba divers, and spear fishermen are invading their habitats in every-increasing numbers. Sharks have responded with predictable reflex reactions: They have attacked. The resulting notoriety has given sharks a bad reputation. The mass media have embellished the image, and now most people react with alarm to the word “shark.” However, the facts don’t support this dread of sharks. Of the 100 or so unprovoked attacks that occur worldwide every year, fewer than 35 are fatal.

Arthritis / Joint Pain Healthy Aging Immune System Prostatic Conditions

The Shark Oil Story

Shark liver oil has been used for centuries in the Scandinavian countries, particularly by fishermen, who used it as a remedy for slow healing wounds and against irritation of the respiratory organs.

alkyrol_greenland shark_alkylglycerols

In the 19th century the use of shark liver oil almost died out, surviving only in a few fishing communities. It was to take more than a century before the use of the shark liver oil was revived, following the publications of scientific documentation regarding its beneficial effects.

In 1952, a young Swedish doctor, Astrid Brohult, M.D., discovered that the marrow from fresh calf bones given to children with leukemia stimulated their white cell production.

It was later shown that the stimulating factor was a group of substances known as Alkylglycerols, that had first been identified by two Japanese researchers in 1922 – in liver oil from sharks. The distribution of Alkylglycerols in nature has since been found to be widespread.

They occur in the lipids of various animal organs, for example in bone marrow fat, in the fat of the spleen and the liver, in erythrocytes and in milk (ten times more in human mother’s milk than in cow’s milk).


The highest source of Alkylglycerols was found to be in the liver of the Greenland shark, Somniosus microcephalus. The healing effects of Alkylglycerols on the tissues of the body have been confirmed over the last 40 years by extensive clinical and laboratory research, mainly conducted by Swedish physicians and scientists.

Besides the above-mentioned biological effects of the Alkylglycerols, it has been shown that patients with cancer of the uterine cervix, who were treated with Alkylglycerols before and during irradiation treatment, had 9% higher survival rate after five years, as compared to the control group.