Healthy Aging

Unraveling the Secrets of Aging A Closer Look at Longer Life Pills® and Their Impact on Longevity

As we journey through life, the quest for longevity and vibrant health remains a universal pursuit. The allure of living longer, healthier lives has led to an ever-growing market of products promising to unlock the secrets of aging. Among these products, one stands out as a beacon of scientific rigor and hope: Longer Life Pills®.

The Longer Life Pills® have been meticulously formulated based on the latest and most reputable research, with insights from renowned expert Dr. Thierry Hertoghe. These exceptional pills contain a unique blend of essential nutrients, carefully selected to support overall health and potentially extend our lifespan.

At the core of Longer Life Pills® lies the principle of evidence-based design. Unlike many other supplements, only solid studies with significant results in humans have been considered in their creation. This emphasis on human studies sets them apart from products relying on data from other species, ensuring that their potential benefits are more directly applicable to us.

The aim of Longer Life Pills® is clear: to offer a comprehensive formula that supplies all the vital compounds and ingredients needed daily for a healthy and extended life. Each of the six pills included in the set serves a specific purpose, working synergistically to enhance various aspects of our well-being.

The Power of Six Pills

Within each box of the Longer Life Pills®, six remarkable pills await to unlock your health’s full potential:

Morning Energy Pill: Infused with the essential amino acid carnitine, this pill ignites your day with newfound energy. Say goodbye to fatigue and embrace the vitality that comes with improved cardiovascular health and enhanced protection against neurodegenerative diseases.

Morning Vitality Pill: Vitamins B12 and C, along with magnesium, join forces in this pill to elevate your energy levels and combat stress. The result? A boost to your well-being and a potent defense against age-related ailments.

Morning Health Pill: With a powerful blend of vitamins, beta-carotene, selenium, potassium, and calcium, this pill nurtures your cardiovascular health and shields you against the threats of diabetes and cancer. The essence of vibrant health in one pill.

Breakfast Protection Pill: Safeguard your body with this pill, containing fat-soluble nutrients like linolenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10. The protective shield against cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and neurodegenerative conditions.

Bedtime Well-being Pill: As the day draws to a close, this pill takes center stage, infused with calcium and zinc. It promotes relaxation, ensuring a peaceful night’s sleep while enhancing your skin, hair, and immune system.

While conducting a 100-year study to fully measure the long-term efficacy of these pills might be impractical, various studies have already shown promising evidence. Individuals regularly consuming the nutrients found in Longer Life Pills® have exhibited significant mortality reductions ranging from 10% to 80%. This evidence strongly supports the view that consistent daily intake of these pills, alongside a healthy diet and lifestyle, may potentially extend life by one to 18 years.

With Longer Life Pills®, the boundaries of aging are being redefined. As science continues to unravel the secrets of longevity, these pills stand as a beacon of hope—offering us the possibility of not only living longer but also living better. So, embark on this journey of scientific discovery, and join the quest for unraveling the secrets of aging with Longer Life Pills®.

Beauty Good Health Healthy Aging

Unveiling the Secrets of 7-Keto: Exploring the Unique Benefits of this DHEA Compound

In the realm of hormones, DHEA (DeHydroEpiAndrosterone) reigns supreme as the most abundant hormone in the human body. Known for its crucial role in the conversion pathway of all hormones, DHEA holds significant importance in the production of androgens, estrogens, and other sex hormones. However, there is a lesser-known compound derived from DHEA that demands our attention: 7-Keto (3-Acetyl-7-Oxo-DeHydroEpiAndrosterone).

Understanding 7-Keto:
While 7-Keto is a metabolite of DHEA and shares a similar origin, it takes a unique path of its own. Unlike DHEA, 7-Keto does not convert back to DHEA or further metabolize into sex hormones. This compound, discovered in 1928, is primarily synthesized in the adrenal glands, skin, and to a lesser extent, in the brain. Interestingly, the secretion of 7-Keto DHEA follows a pattern similar to that of DHEA itself, declining significantly after puberty and reaching less than 50% of its peak value by the age of 50.

Safety and Dosage Recommendations:
One remarkable aspect of 7-Keto is its excellent safety profile. Even at high dosages, it has been found to be devoid of negative side effects. However, it is still prudent to adhere to recommended dosages as a safety precaution.

Unique Actions of 7-Keto:
While 7-Keto shares some common actions with DHEA, it also possesses distinct characteristics that set it apart. One prominent feature of 7-Keto is its significant impact on the immune system. Unlike DHEA, which converts into sex hormones, 7-Keto does not follow this pathway but instead exerts pronounced effects on immune function. Additionally, 7-Keto DHEA showcases thermogenic capabilities, promoting an increase in the body’s metabolic rate. By generating heat as energy, it enhances the body’s ability to convert stored fat into usable energy, earning its reputation as a “fat loss” or “fat burner” compound. Moreover, some reports suggest that 7-Keto DHEA may contribute to cholesterol reduction and improvements in memory, resembling the actions of Pregnenolone more than DHEA itself.

Combining DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA:
To harness the benefits of both DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA, a combination usage is often recommended. Adjusting the dosages downwards while closely monitoring individual responses can help achieve optimal dosing for maximum benefits.

The world of hormones holds fascinating secrets, and 7-Keto DHEA stands as a testament to this. While derived from DHEA, 7-Keto takes on a unique role in the body, offering distinct benefits such as immune modulation, thermogenesis, and potential cholesterol reduction. Embracing the power of both DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA opens doors to a comprehensive approach to hormone balance and well-being.

Disclaimer: Please consult with a healthcare professional or physician before making any changes to your hormone regimen or starting any new supplementation.

Good Health Healthy Aging

The History of Alkyrol – Part 5a

The aging game (and more)

Many scientists now believe that aging is not a normal process, but that it is a chronic disease process resulting from free-radical damage. While certain physiological changes are associated with the passage of time, there is no programmed aging process, no aging genes that determine how long you will be young, no death gene that “knocks us off” at some predetermined age.

What we call aging is essentially physical changes associated with the passage of years. The first change we see is usually gray hair that eventually turns white. Yet, there are many beautiful women (and men) who have gray hair in their 20s! By no stretch of the imagination would we call this a negative change, since these individuals are perfectly attractive.

However, when gray hair is associated with faded, sagging, or wrinkled skin, we consider the individual “old.” Some of these people are still in their 30s! Are they old? Absolutely not, but they have probably been afflicted with severe free-radical damage. Gray hair, for example, is hair that no longer produces melanin (i.e., pigment).


The process is not irreversible, since many gray-haired individuals, who have undergone radiation treatment to their heads, have regrown jet-black hair over the next few months. I have seen this many times in my patients who went through radiation therapy for metastatic cancer. Degenerative diseases in older people, such as muscle wasting, is usually the result of inactivity. This is known as “the rocking chair syndrome” following retirement. And it is certainly not inevitable.

In one study, individuals 80 years old and older were put on a weight-lifting program for four weeks. They had been mostly confined to beds or chairs. But in just two weeks of regular exercise, they improved their muscle strength to the point of self care! It is remarkable how resilient the body is, and how many repair systems can help us restore health…

Click here for Part 5b

Good Health Healthy Aging Immune System

The History of Alkyrol – Part 3

Alkylglycerols for cancer prevention and treatment

One of the first uses for shark liver oil was to control the side effects of radiation treatment in cancer patients. The initial studies were done in Sweden by the Drs. Astrid Brohult, Sven Brohult, and Johan Brohult, and published in the journal Nature in 1962. In the 1960s and 1970s, positive results were also observed in three different clinical experiments.

As mentioned previously, after treatment with shark liver oil, there was a significant reduction in radiation injuries following X-ray treatment for cancer of the cervix, as well as an increase in survival rates. In any form of cancer therapy, the use of alkylglycerols will both intensify the treatment’s benefits, while decreasing the severity of unwanted side effects.


Consider that cancer is a malignant, neoplastic (i.e., spreading) disease, which means it is characterized by new, uncontrolled growth. That’s why the alkylglycerols are effective for this condition. As an immune stimulant, alkylglycerols activate macrophages, making cancer cells more susceptible to attack. Shark liver oil provides other active ingredients, such as squalamine, that help treat cancer.

Beauty Good Health Healthy Aging

Why DHEA might change your life

Dehydroepiandrosterone, DHEA, is a natural hormone produced primarily by the adrenal gland. It circulates in the body in its water-soluble form, called DHEA-sulfate or DHEAS. First isolated in 1934, it has, for many years been considered of little importance.


It is now known to be an essential component in a vast number of physiological functions in the body, including metabolic conversion to both male and female sex hormones (androgens and estrogens), and to have an inverse relationship to the production of stress hormones.

As levels of stress hormones rise, levels of DHEA drop. Blood levels of DHEA start rising before puberty and usually peak between the ages of twenty and thirty. At that time DHEA is the most abundant hormone in the body.

Unlike other adrenal steroids, such as cortisol, DHEA begins to steadily decline with age, suggesting that DHEA may be a measure of the aging process itself.

DHEA levels have been found to be higher in healthy individuals than in unhealthy men and women, which has initiated research linking DHEA to healthy aging.


More than 5000 research papers have appeared over the last three decades, suggesting a connection between DHEA levels and a great variety of diseases.

DHEA is currently the focus for some of the most interesting medical research of this century. DHEA does not seem to be controlled by a “feedback loop”, as with other hormones, and supplementation is not likely to stop the body’s own production.

Convince yourself of DHEA – DeHydroEpiAndrosterone – The Fountain of Youth.

Good Health Healthy Aging Immune System

Longer Life Pills® – Feeling better, Living better, Aging better!

The Longer Life Pills® is an exceptional set of pills that contains the essential nutrients for you to live longer. It is a scientifically conceived pill based on the best and most recent research specifically revised from Dr. Thierry Hertoghe. Only solid studies with significant results in humans, and not in other species, have been taken into account. The aim of Longer Life Pills is to give you a complete formula that will provide all the compounds and ingredients you need daily for a healthy and long life.


Ecological: these pills are devoided of any additives, and can in this sense be considered as “ecological”, toxin-free pills. The capsules or tablets that contain the nutrients are in safe, low allergenic material, generally from plant origin.

High-quality: all the nutrients are of pharmaceutical grade from the best sources.

Life-prolonging effects? How long can the persistent intake of these pills prolong life? Long-term efficacy of the multi-nutrient pills on human lifespan is difficult to evaluate as no study has been done of the effect of this particular set of pills on the life span. It is almost impossible to do for any product without a long-term 100-year study that starts in young adults and follows them up during the next 100 years until all participants have died. You and I would not be there anymore to wait for the results.

Nevertheless, what we can do is rely on the various studies that have shown significant 10 to 80% mortality reductions in people (healthy or sick) when they regularly take one of the nutrients present in the Longer Life Pills®. This evidence strongly supports the view that the regular daily intake of the Longer Life Pills® during years is not only safe but may prolong life from one to 18 years, provided the diet and lifestyle are healthy enough and do not oppose the life-prolonging potential of the longer life nutrients.

Good Health Healthy Aging Immune System

Melatonin for a better sleep

Research reports on Melatonin:


Dietary supplementation has shown Melatonin to be a natural sleep inducer and a means to reset the internal body clock as needed for the relief of temporary sleep disturbances and jetlag.

Clinical studies have shown Melatonin to have an excellent effect on insomnia, jet-lag and shift work maladaptation, without the side effects of conventional sleeping pills such as “hang-over” and habit-forming use-dependence.


Melatonin buffers the effects of stress and reduces the gradual decline of immunity that accompanies stress. Researchers have demonstrated Melatonin’s ability to treat Cancer, slow progression of AIDS, make the body more resistant to colds, and protect the immune system from the toxic effects of chemotherapy.


Numerous studies reveal that supplemental Melatonin can restore thymus gland function, boost immune function by increasing the production of T-cells, important to our natural defenses, and increase the body’s anti-tumor activity, particularly in advanced Cancer patients.

Melatonin also shows promise as a treatment for a number of other diseases and conditions, including Hypertension, high Cholesterol, various kinds of Cancer, Autism, Epilepsy, Migraine, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and Alzheimer’s disease.


Melatonin has strong anti-aging properties. According to the experts, Melatonin has many vital functions in our body, therefore prolonging our life span. It is considered to be “The Policeman of all Policemen”, regulating the secretion of other important bodily hormones, governing the body at large and of course also the important aging process.

Many people take supplemental Melatonin every day for this purpose rather than for insomnia/sleep deprivation conditions. In such cases a dosage of 0.2 – 1 mg is normally enough.



Melatonin has been shown to be an extremely potent and wide-ranging antioxidant, protecting every part of the cell in the body, including vital brain cells. Antioxidants are vital to our health because they rid the body of dangerously reactive molecules called free radicals.

Over 100 diseases have now been linked with free radical damage, including Cataracts, Macular Degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, Arthritis, Cancer and the Aging Process itself.


Melatonin has been shown to be effective in persons with SAD, Seasonal Affective Disorder, which is caused by the breakdown of the circadian/body-clock rhythm.